What To Do When Someone Dies

  • Review will
  • Determine who will act as executor or administrator of estate
  • Order Death Certificate (Issued by Provincial Government)
  • Secure estate assets and ensure adequate insurance coverage
  • Notify Canada Post to redirect mail
  • Call Service Canada, advise of death, and obtain information regarding Canada Pension Plan, Old Age Security and related benefits, tel: 1-800-277-9914
  • Contact life insurance company to obtain benefits/claim forms
  • Contact financial institutions to remove deceased’s name from join accounts or to transfer accounts held solely by deceased into the name of Estate
  • Contact credit card companies to remove deceased’s name from accounts or cancel accounts
  • Contact local ICBC Autoplan broker, or private insurer if applicable, to cancel or change car insurance
  • Notify phone and utility companies to change the name on bills or change service
  • Contact accountant to file tax returns and apply for clearance certificate
  • Locate estate assets and safety deposit box
  • Contact Elections BC if death occurred outside of British Columbia
  • If deceased received pension benefits, extended health and dental benefits from a pension plan, contact the pension plan administrator to advise of death and determine eligibility for continued benefit coverage for dependents
  • Contact Service Canada regarding employment insurance
  • Contact Medical Services Plan to confirm MSP coverage termination, tel: 604-663-7100
  • Contact Passport Canada to cancel deceased’s passport, tel: 1-800-567-6868
  • Contact Social Insurance Registration to cancel deceased’s Social Insurance Number, tel:1-800-206-7218
  • Notify Canada Revenue Agency of death and cancel benefit payments in name of deceased, tel:1-800-277-9914
  • If deceased was receiving veteran’s benefits, call Veterans Affairs Canada, tel:1-800-522-2122
  • Cancel deceased’s Driver’s License at local ICBC Driver Licensing Office, tel:604-661-2800
  • Sell real estate, if applicable (seek advice of realtor)
  • Contact BC Gazette (and local newspaper) to arrange for publication of notice to creditors, tel: 1-800-663-6105
  • Pay debts of deceased
  • Maintain detailed accounting of assets as well as receipts and disbursements during administration of estate
Posted by Rob Monterio
August 15, 2017 in Legal articles

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Rob has been practising law in British Columbia since 2005. With years of experience in estate administration, commercial and corporate law, as well as residential real estate transactions, Rob offers his clients an unparalleled degree of professional expertise and timely advice.